Aarhus University Seal

Quality management system at Technical Sciences

The AU Tech quality management system consists of a quality assurance policy, a short main document with nine detailed appendices, and a compilation of specific procedures that describe how employees are to approach the individual phases of task performance, and how the system is regularly evaluated and improved. Version 9 of the quality management system was launched on 1 May 2023. 

The quality management system is certified according to the quality standard ISO9001. 

AU Tech’s quality assurance policy for science-based advice is an integrated part of the quality management system. It is based on the general objectives and specific plans for the development of science-based advice, which Tech has described in the current strategy. 

Click here to access documents in the quality management system.

Using the menu on the left, employees at AU Tech’s science-based advice can report nonconformities from procedures and submit requests for the procedures.