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The ant mounds on the heath, in the forest and in your garden are oases for life. The heat and nutrients from ant mounds make them the perfect home…
Serious brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are usually diagnosed too late for optimal benefit from available drug and non-drug…
AU Viborg in Foulum has now officially been given the green light by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to launch its new degree programmes…
After a successful kick-off, the Plant2Food collaboration platform is now ready with the programme for activities this spring. Plant2Food is also…
CBIO - Aarhus University's Centre for Circular Bioeconomy – has got a new centre leader. Associate Professor Morten Ambye-Jensen has taken over the…
Aarhus University is new partner in TechCircle - an innovation hub, which opens on 20 April. Here, companies can seek advice and gain knowledge and…
From 1 April 2023, Mikkel Tamstorf, deputy head of department and senior researcher, will take over as the new head of the Department of Ecoscience.
Five engineering students have formed a Formula Student team and gathered almost 60 fellow students to help build a racing car. According to their…
How can we improve the texture of plant-based alternatives to meat and thereby help make plant proteins a more attractive choice when consumers buy…
A new project funded by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme aims to develop technology and upscale the talent pool for the…
The global economy is in the midst of a booming industrial revolution driven by digitalisation, providing companies with entirely new technological…
In the battle to attract future engineers, a great number Danish companies attended P-day and MATCHDAY at Aarhus University to scout for new interns.
How can we manage a sustainable production of fossil-free offshore wind power, and mussels and seaweed in the same marine area? And what are the…
At Aarhus University, 16 researchers are developing a sustainable technology that, using biomass and sunlight, will capture and break down perpetual…
Perhaps there is a correlation between sleep patterns and mental illness that we have not previously been able to understand. In a new study,…
As part of AU's new action plan for diversity and gender equality, the Faculty of Technical Sciences has a clear objective to increase the number of…
After a long period of illness, Søren Rud Keiding, professor and director of Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), has passed away. He leaves…
Carsten Suhr Jacobsen will continue as head of the Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University from 1 April 2023.
Aaron Hurst, PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, is lauded as a research talent at this year’s…
It has never been easier to find relevant teaching materials about the ocean than it is now. Through a fruitful collaboration with AU IT, the project…
Modern DNA technology now allows simple monitoring of the distribution of different fish species in remote Arctic areas. This is shown in a new…
Professor Doug Speed from Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics has received 2 mio € from the European Research Council’s Consolidator Grant…
Robots, drones, autonomous boats and smart probes. A cellar at Aarhus University holds an impressive collection of technological inventions for polar…
New research suggests that crops have different potential for protein extraction in biorefining.
Two talented researchers from the Faculty of Technical Sciences have each received DKK 6 million from the Villum Young Investigator programme under…
The veterinary medicine programme at AU Viborg is officially a reality. The Ministry of Higher Education and Science released a press statement…
Three researchers from Tech have received grants totalling DKK 9.5 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation's programme for research into plant,…
In collaboration with four small and medium-sized Danish companies, researchers from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering at Aarhus…
At the CIGR World Congress in Japan in December, Professor Claus Grøn Sørensen from the Department of Electrical and Computer engineering at Aarhus…
The results of a study on late blight show 100% resistance to one of the most important fungicides in potato production. Researchers find the…
With a big bag of cash from the EU, Danish researchers can develop their proposals for a new digital infrastructure for agriculture. This will further…
Eight researchers from three departments at Tech can go on a well-deserved Christmas holiday with new NOVA grants from the Aarhus University Research…
There are many things to look out for if you want a sustainable Christmas tree this Christmas, here's one expert's take on what to choose.
Funded by DANIDA, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the FLYgene project organized two national stakeholder workshops in Kampala (Uganda) and…
Aarhus University is currently developing two new degree programmes at AU Viborg, and from 2024 these will teach the labour force of the future about…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has awarded DKK 6 million to new technical research projects at Aarhus University. The grants are to “support basic…
START - Centre for Sustainable Agrifood Systems - invites researchers from all the Danish universities to join the START HUB collaboration. The aim is…
Climate is changing, and this will affect future energy systems based on solar and wind. But how? A new research project at Aarhus University will…
In mid-November, Trine Nørgaard, an assistant professor at the Department of Agroecology at Aarhus University, received DKK 2.8 million from the Inge…
Buildings are responsible for a large percentage of anthropogenic carbon emissions. In any kind of sustainable future, this percentage must be reduced…
Eat barley for your health, the environment and the climate. That's the message from researchers at Aarhus University, who in a new project want to…
Mikkel Tamstorf is appointed interim Head of Department at Department of Ecoscience (ECOS) from 1 January 2023.
The new collaborative platform, Plant2Food, will speed up the development of plant-based foods. On Plant2Food, researchers and companies will work…
Patrick Biller from the Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering and Dominik Zak from the Department of Ecoscience have just received DKK 2.8…
Niels Kanstrup wants to steer hunting and wildlife management towards a sustainable, lead-free future. A 35-year career as an advisor, researcher and…
A new Horizon Europe project called Wet Horizons wants to promote feasible and more ambitious legislation towards protecting and restoring European…
After a long hot summer, the gravity of the climate crisis has begun to get under the skin of most people, and with the war in Ukraine, the world has…
Good transport connections to Viborg, good food all day and a strong social environment around the study programme. A wealth of good ideas were up for…
There may well be important research breakthroughs in what we previously thought of as a dead end. The Villum Experiment programme has encouraged…
Research into underwater communication is a vital part of our endeavour to better understand climate change, and it is in this context that Milica…
Kunstig hud fyldt med elektroniske neuroner og synapser skal bane vejen for proteser, der for eksempel kan føle solens varme stråler, sandet mellem…
Turbulent flows play an important role in many engineering systems, but high computational costs still make it virtually impossible to simulate these…
H.C. Ørsted Selskabet has granted this year's research award of DKK 50,000 to Professor Dorthe Ravnsbæk from the Department of Chemistry, while the…
1.5 degrees, 2 degrees or more? The Paris Agreement and the climate ambition of a carbon-neutral EU in 2050 have been put back by the war in Ukraine.…
This year, the Faculty of Technical Sciences has offered study places on engineering programmes and the Agrobiology programme to 1,115 applicants.…
A new Danish study shows that moths play an unexpected and important role as bee ‘assistants’ by pollinating flowers. The insects, which are perceived…
An international survey is being carried from the end of June to the end of July to examine the abundance and distribution of whales, dolphins and…
The number of applicants to engineering at Aarhus University increases once again. After a year of stagnation due to coronavirus, young people flock…
You wouldn’t think it, but the sewer can be a huge source of valuable resources in a future circular bioeconomic society. Massive flows of nutrients…
Astronauts find it difficult to maintain a natural circadian rhythm and generally complain a lot about their sleep. Aarhus University's Center for…
On Monday 13 June, the Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center - CORC - was officially inaugurated at Aarhus University. Scientist, supporters,…
Danish researchers are developing new electrical solutions for the transport sector. The aim is to reduce the climate footprint significantly, and the…
Farshad Moradi, a new professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Aarhus University, has been inspired by the brain in his…
The Danish National Research Foundation, the Carlsberg Foundation, the Novo Nordisk Foundation, the Lundbeck Foundation and the VILLUM Foundation…
Pollen isn’t - atishoo! – just pollen. Some grasses are bad news for allergy sufferers, while others are completely harmless. Aarhus University has…
Rasmus Ejrnæs, a senior researcher at the Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University, has won the Danmarks Bedste Naturformidler 2022 award…
In the world-wide project Tiny Earth, pupils at upper secondary schools, as well as university students and researchers, are working together to find…
Software engineer Niloofar Yazdani has with new solutions for efficient data transmission made it more sustainable to transfer data from the Internet…
The cheapest, fastest and most cost-effective way to achieve the EU goal of climate neutrality by 2050 with a max. 1.5 degree temperature increase…
Innovation Fund Denmark has granted DKK 201 million to the research and innovation partnership Agri-FoodTure. Climate, sustainable agriculture and…
Several Danish universities and companies have joined forces to create a common high-tech laboratory platform - FOODHAY. Through new research…
ODIN has reserved DKK 23.9 million for six new research projects that will pave the way for new drugs to treat a wide range of medical conditions –…
The government's new relocation agreement means that the Faculty of Technical Sciences will establish a new, integrated education and research campus…
All eight universities in Denmark have joined forces on a new research centre that will create interdisciplinary collaboration between researchers in…
Mirka Mølgaard Thorsteinsson at Department of Animal Science is awarded DKK 200.000 kr., which she will use for research in Holland, Norway and New…
A new Danida project headed by Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) aims to improve the quantity and quality of Black Soldier Fly…
Under the partnership name Arla Food for Health (AFH), four key players from both industry and academia are exploring potential health effects of…
Researchers are working on a new digital solution to track changes in the quality of fresh fruit and vegetables in real-time. This solution can reduce…
Exceptionally promising. This is how an Arctic top researcher describes a probe that three engineer students have developed during a bachelor's…
Former agrobiology student Niels Frederik Vestergård will recieve this year's IdaGaard Foundation's thesis award for his final thesis on the status of…
Et EU projekt med deltagelse fra Aarhus Universitet skal udvikle nyt beslutningsværktøj, som kan hjælpe svine-producenten til at nedbringe forekomsten…
I to nye økologi-projekter på AU Foulum sættes der fokus på bæredygtig slagtegriseproduktion med 100% lokalt produceret foder samt på kødkvalitet og…
Aarhus Universitet står i spidsen for nyt GUDP-projekt ’KlimaKS’, som skal bidrage med nye værktøjer, der skal lette landmanden i bestræbelserne på at…
Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc in engineering students.
A previously abandoned patent from Aarhus University got new life in the hands of two visionary food enthusiasts, and together they started a company…
It has taken up to 30 years to gather data, but now there’s enough. An international research team, with Danish participation, has just published a…
Students and employees at Aarhus University will have the opportunity to invest in solar cells fitted on the rooftops of the university’s buildings.…
New biosensor technology shows the potential of becoming a rapid, non-invasive and cost efficient tool for evaluating freshness of several types of…
Scientific report on the Danish Redlist provides an overview of the most important habitats for red-listed species in Denmark.
A new research project will use renewable energy from local, privately owned wind turbines to improve the efficiency of Danish biogas production at…
Perennial biomass crops have a moderate emission of nitrous oxide compared to annual crops despite a high supply of nitrogen. At this year's virtual…
How does the conversion of grass to e.g. corn emissions of nitrous oxide? That and much more, you have the opportunity to hear the answer to this…
Drones and artificial intelligence are used in the Innovation Fund project ReDoCO2 to develop a decision-making tool for determining which peatland…
Through research and education, the Faculty of Technical Sciences will continue to create fertile ground for an even greener and even more digital…
With Carbon Farming's various cultivation initiatives, you can remove CO2 from the atmosphere and achieve carbon storage in plants and soil. At this…
New cereals with a health-promoting effect may in the future help to prevent obesity and diabetes. At this year's virtual Plantekongres, you have the…
Plant residues are one of the sources of nitrous oxide in agriculture, in fact they account for approx. 10% of the total emission of nitrous oxide…
With Carbon Farming, the goal is to remove CO2 from the atmosphere through targeted cultivation measures and achieve carbon storage in plants and…
Biochar increases carbon storage in the soil and can also affect the soil's fertility and greenhouse gas emissions. At this year's virtual…
For the first time, we can now tell the difference between a wide range of plastic types and thereby separate plastics according to their chemical…
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