Aarhus University Seal

PhD at Technical Sciences

PhD students at Technical Sciences take part of a working environment characterised by interdisciplinary collaborations and high academic ambitions. They independently carry out high-quality research and develop projects aimed at both the private and the public sector. The majority of PhD students from Aarhus University find work before they finish their studies.

PhD collaboration and Industrial PhD

Would you like to find out whether an academic employee can make a difference to your business? Then collaboration with a PhD student could be an option.

You can work with a PhD student employed at the university, or you can employ a student at your company, either as an industrial PhD or as a company PhD.

Read more about Phd collaboration and Industrial PhD.

Contact and address

Graduate School of Technical Sciences
Aarhus University
Katrinebjergvej 89F, building 5132
DK 8200 Aarhus N  
