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Two pallets stacked on top of each other served as the podium when Rector Brian Bech Nielsen and the Mayor of Viborg Municipality, Ulrik Wilbek, today…
Construction accounts for a huge part of society's waste production and energy consumption, and this must change if the industry is to be sustainable.…
Today, calculations of a construction project's energy consumption and carbon emissions are based on information from manufacturers in manuals and…
Independent Research Fund Denmark has awarded Sapere Aude: DFF-Starting Grants to 38 promising researchers from across Denmark. Four researchers from…
By mapping genes that enable crops to better withstand drought, heat or freezing temperatures, researchers at Aarhus University lay the foundation for…
Three days of panel discussions, political events and democratic dialogue on the Island of Bornholm is over. Here are some of the highlights from the…
A Danish research team has developed a robot that can push its way through dense jungle thickets and map biodiversity. The robot will boost monitoring…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation is investing 8 million euros in a research project at Aarhus University that may pave the way for small, modular nuclear…
The food of the future, Danish waters, climate, defence, health and the green transition of the building industry are some of the topics researchers…
The viruses probably regulate the growth of snow algae on the ice by infecting them. Knowing how to control these viruses could help us reduce some of…
Employees are the most important resource at the Faculty of Technical Sciences at Aarhus University. They make it possible for the faculty to deliver…
It is vital that considerably more crops are returned to the dining table instead of using them as animal feed. Graduates from Aarhus University's new…
Today many implants are both expensive and prone to failure. With the help of advanced mathematical models of the bones and muscles, scientists from…
Aarhus University is creating 50 new online student places on the Bachelor of Engineering programme in Electrical Energy Technology. This will give…
Aarhus University is now realising its plans to sell its share of the harbour-side Navitas building. The sale is part of AU’s vision of a unified,…
The small whales spend more than 60 percent of their day hunting small fish to stay warm in the cold waters. New research shows that harbor porpoises…
Polar bears, toothed whales and humans in the Arctic have higher levels of mercury than anywhere else on the planet. A new research project will use…
Both Isaac Newton and Charles Darwin published their groundbreaking discoveries in the prestigious journal Philosophical Transactions of The Royal…
Professor Alexandros Iosifidis is pushing the boundaries of how to teach computers to solve complex problems. Now he is receiving the Victor Albeck…
Especially those who eat polar bears, seals, and whales have elevated levels of toxins in their blood, new research shows.
In order to keep the population of harbour porpoises in Danish coastal waters stable, only 24 can perish in fishing nets each year. However, over 900…
The reputed journal FEMS Microbiology Ecology chose a paper from Ph.D. student Ate Jaarsma from Aarhus University as the best research of 2023.
Areas with more copper and selenium in the ground lead to higher reproductive success in wild musk oxen in Greenland.
By studying how aerosols and clouds interact the researchers hope to improve our ability to foresee extreme weather events due to climate change.
The aim of the new EU-project is to move the evaluation of the risks and impacts of pesticides from assessing single pesticides and their effects on…
AU Viborg will host an open house event on Saturday 2 March. Prospective students can hear about the new degree programmes, get a sense of the unique…
Ecological theory and experience tells us that plants on meadows and pastures across Denmark should be dispersing heavier seeds. But they are doing…
Scientists no longer have direct access to data from Russian Arctic research stations. Without this data, our view of climate changes in the region is…
Using microscopic solar cells operated into the back of the eye, Asbjørn hopes to be able to restore the sight of patients with a number of hereditary…
Researchers from Aarhus University have carried out complex genetic analyses of hundreds of pigs and humans to identify differences and similarities.…
Senior researcher Hanne Marie Nielsen from Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) and the industry partner AquaPri A/S, a fish farming…
In the new year, 48-year-old Maria Sommer Holtze will take over as the director of DCE. She has ten years’ experience from the Danish Environmental…
A new research project links some of Denmark's leading researchers in PFAS remediation with artificial intelligence. The goal is to develop and…
The Faculty of Technical Sciences is shutting down the BEng in Mechanical Engineering and the BEng in Electronic Engineering in AU Herning. The BEng…
Bo Melander takes on the role of professor of weed science at the Department of Agroecology, Aarhus University. He has spent decades studying how to…
Associate Professor Patrick Biller from Aarhus University has won this year's Grundfos Prize for his groundbreaking research into…
Local hunters in the Icefjord near Ilulissat have long known about a special ringed seal – the Kangia seal – which is significantly larger and has a…
Aarhus University, the Aarhus School of Architecture and the consulting engineering firm, Søren Jensen, have joined forces with a new,…
Heat pumps are a vital element in the green transition of heating systems – for homes, for businesses and for industry. Denmark is among the world…
Every year, areas of wild seaweeds are disappearing from the world's oceans, even though we should be protecting them. Seaweeds are effective at…
Jørgen B. Jespersen has walked the halls of Aarhus University and other governmental research institutions since 1974. First as a student and then…
A new strategic collaboration agreement between Dutch Wageningen University & Research and Aarhus University is an ambitious milestone in the…
Professor Steffen Petersen from the Department of Civil and Architectural Engineering receives the Anniversary Foundation Teaching Prize 2023 for his…
More than 400 million years ago, an insect-like animal called the springtail developed a small protein that prevents its cells from freezing.
Professor Kaushik Roy, who is one of the world's leading researchers in low power consumption and energy-efficient circuit and system design, is…
Professor Jacob Carstensen from the Department of Ecoscience at Aarhus University has been awarded the "Björn Carlsons Östersjöpris" for playing a…
New figures from Technical Sciences on Aarhus University show, that there is a correlation between smoking and the risk of being hospitalised with a…
Architects and engineers are working to develop the use of hydraulically pressed clay soil as a building material. The work will culminate in an…
GPS trackers on 43 species across the globe show that animals changed their behaviour when humans stayed indoors. These were the results of an…
On a windy Tuesday in the beginning of August, a group of invited guests made their way to Aarhus University’s new research station in Auning,…
Maintaining and repairing critical infrastructure is becoming ever more expensive, and there is increasing international focus on monitoring the…
From hydrogen and CO2 to synthetic crude oil to high-value aviation fuel. In a research collaboration with Topsoe and Sasol, Aarhus University's…
The collaboration platform Plant2Food aims to accelerate the development of plant-based foods. The platform runs its first call round until 30 August…
Aarhus University has received 1184 applications for the engineering degree programs, setting a new record.
Why do leaves look the way they do? And can we manufacture artificial leaves that are even better at photosynthesis than those that nature has…
Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc engineering students.
Ammonia is one of the world's ten most important chemicals, and its production emits approx. one per cent of all anthropogenic carbon emissions.…
In the future, the Centre for Green Transition and Marine Ecology will collect all the knowledge researchers have on the marine environment and…
Tenure Track assistant professor Quentin Geissmann from Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) has received a 5-year Emerging…
With huge support from both the Novo Nordisk Foundation and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, researchers from Aarhus University can now test…
In the weekend, AU Viborg was transformed into a true scientific playground, where more than 1,000 visitors were drawn by the excitement of exploring…
How do we get the biggest trucks onto electricity? Is it at all possible to develop a financially viable alternative to diesel-powered goods…
Should Denmark focus on nuclear power? And do we need to invest more in defence technology? It may sound unrealistic, but both could become part of…
If cows belch less, they emit less methane. Methane is one of the worst greenhouse gases.
Five research groups at AU Engineering have received funding from Independent Research Fund Denmark to develop new technologies within carbon capture,…
The flies feed on waste and can be converted into protein-rich cow and pig feed, almost without emitting CO2.
A number of tech companies have joined forces with Aarhus University on a new research project to develop digital twins for the mechanical and…
A Danish trio of partners is developing super-high-resolution, hyperspectral cameras that can determine the chemical composition of plastic waste and…
Over the next few years, ten talented researchers from the Faculty of Technical Sciences will help raise Danish research to new heights thanks to…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation CO2 Research Center – CORC – will be expanding into new underexplored areas as the center funds five new projects.
Around seven million people will die prematurely from air pollution annually in the future if we do not change our ways.
Laura Halbach from the Department of Environmental Science receives this year's PhD award for her work on mapping how glacial algae can accelerate ice…
The results may lead to a new form of treatment for overeating.
Deforestation is the biggest threat to the planet's ecosystems, and new research has now mapped out exactly what happens when agriculture replaces…
In the autumn, when right whales swim towards the coasts of South Africa, they ought to be fat and stuffed full. But in recent years, they have become…
From green power to sustainable fuels. The future of Power-to-X technologies is about much more than solar and wind, storage technologies and new…
Greenlandic ice is teeming with life, both on the surface and underneath. There are microscopic organisms that until recently science had no idea…
The ant mounds on the heath, in the forest and in your garden are oases for life. The heat and nutrients from ant mounds make them the perfect home…
Serious brain diseases such as Alzheimer's and Parkinson's are usually diagnosed too late for optimal benefit from available drug and non-drug…
AU Viborg in Foulum has now officially been given the green light by the Ministry of Higher Education and Science to launch its new degree programmes…
After a successful kick-off, the Plant2Food collaboration platform is now ready with the programme for activities this spring. Plant2Food is also…
CBIO - Aarhus University's Centre for Circular Bioeconomy – has got a new centre leader. Associate Professor Morten Ambye-Jensen has taken over the…
Aarhus University is new partner in TechCircle - an innovation hub, which opens on 20 April. Here, companies can seek advice and gain knowledge and…
From 1 April 2023, Mikkel Tamstorf, deputy head of department and senior researcher, will take over as the new head of the Department of Ecoscience.
Five engineering students have formed a Formula Student team and gathered almost 60 fellow students to help build a racing car. According to their…
How can we improve the texture of plant-based alternatives to meat and thereby help make plant proteins a more attractive choice when consumers buy…
A new project funded by the Horizon Europe Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions programme aims to develop technology and upscale the talent pool for the…
The global economy is in the midst of a booming industrial revolution driven by digitalisation, providing companies with entirely new technological…
In the battle to attract future engineers, a great number Danish companies attended P-day and MATCHDAY at Aarhus University to scout for new interns.
How can we manage a sustainable production of fossil-free offshore wind power, and mussels and seaweed in the same marine area? And what are the…
At Aarhus University, 16 researchers are developing a sustainable technology that, using biomass and sunlight, will capture and break down perpetual…
Perhaps there is a correlation between sleep patterns and mental illness that we have not previously been able to understand. In a new study,…
As part of AU's new action plan for diversity and gender equality, the Faculty of Technical Sciences has a clear objective to increase the number of…
After a long period of illness, Søren Rud Keiding, professor and director of Aarhus Institute of Advanced Studies (AIAS), has passed away. He leaves…
Carsten Suhr Jacobsen will continue as head of the Department of Environmental Science at Aarhus University from 1 April 2023.
Aaron Hurst, PhD student at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Aarhus University, is lauded as a research talent at this year’s…
It has never been easier to find relevant teaching materials about the ocean than it is now. Through a fruitful collaboration with AU IT, the project…
Modern DNA technology now allows simple monitoring of the distribution of different fish species in remote Arctic areas. This is shown in a new…
Professor Doug Speed from Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics has received 2 mio € from the European Research Council’s Consolidator Grant…
Robots, drones, autonomous boats and smart probes. A cellar at Aarhus University holds an impressive collection of technological inventions for polar…
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