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A new grass weed species has in recent years become a bigger and bigger problem in winter cereals and grass seed crops. Knowledge about rattail fescue…
Scientists are combining artificial intelligence and advanced computer technology with biological know how to identify insects with supernatural…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted funding to a project to develop a multi-step system to treat water for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances.…
The potential of autonomous solutions for offshore operations in the maritime sector is huge. The Danish drone company Upteko is collaborating with…
Researchers from Aarhus University aim to enable the use of data-driven deep learning models for wind farm flow simulations, optimization and control,…
At the turn of the year, Aarhus University has implemented an organisational change to open four new departments. This is part of work to enhance…
Using an unusual, light-dependent enzyme and a newly discovered enzymatic mechanism, researchers from Aarhus University and Massachusetts Institute of…
Kidney diseases, atherosclerosis, colon cancer, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease and neurological disorders are five global health problems that the…
The groundbreaking open research collaboration, so far between Aarhus University and nine pharmaceutical and biotech companies, ODIN, is now up and…
What is a baking contest winner made of? Equal parts of pure joy of baking mixed with scientific curiosity is the recipe for Mads Eg Andersen, who…
Over the next four years, a major new EU project will examine how noise from shipping affects the marine environment and identify solutions to make…
Researchers from Aarhus University have modelled the decarbonisation of the sector-coupled European energy system using very high-resolution data. The…
Peter Henriksen, senior researcher at the Department of Bioscience will take up the position as the new head of WATEC on 1 December 2020. The research…
Seagrass meadows the world over have vanished over the last 100 years. Danish eel grass meadows too are not growing as they did in the past. A new…
In collaboration with the Technical University of Denmark (DTU), the Department of Engineering at Aarhus University has developed photonic sensor…
As the new vice-president of the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), Aarhus University will play an important role in European efforts…
A new cross-disciplinary centre will develop brain-machine interface technologies. One of the goals is to develop the next generation of technology to…
When the four new engineering departments open on 1 January 2021, they will have a transitional management until the appointment process for the new…
A new research project at Aarhus University will use Bayesian Neural Networks to model, analyse and understand trading behaviour in the world of…
There are lots of green, modern agricultural technologies, but they are used far too little. With funding of DKK 15 million, a number of European…
ReDoCO2 is a new Danish development project, which the Innovation Fund Denmark supports with DKK 24.3 million. kr. Researchers from the Department of…
Independent Research Fund Denmark (DFF) has just published the 65 research projects on the green transition that have been awarded grants. At the…
In a new international cross disciplinary study, researchers have used artificial intelligence to analyse large amounts of historical photos from WW2.…
Professor Martyn Tranter from the Department of Environmental Science has been selected to receive the prestigious Julia and Johannes Weertman Medal…
A pan-European consortium consisting of vehicle manufacturers, research institutes and suppliers have joined forces to set up a new research and…
The Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, has received a grant from the Independent Research Fund Denmark to investigate nonlinear effects in…
At a board meeting on 8 October, the AU board gave the green light to establish four new engineering departments at the university. The purpose of the…
Danmarks Sportsfiskerforbund (Danish Sports Fishing Association) has just awarded its Nature and Environment award, which is presented for…
VILLUM Experiment has just awarded grants to a number of researchers, who each represent innovative approaches to their research areas, and who can…
After three years of strenuous effort, the Faculty of Technical Sciences (Tech) has now obtained documentation for the high quality in its public…
Professor Ole Hertel is switching career path from being one of Denmark's leading researchers in air quality to taking up a position as the head of…
A new research project is aiming to develop a camera-based separation system that can separate plastic waste according to type. The machine will be…
Intelligent marine robots open up a wide range of possibilities in the vast unknown areas below sea level, covering more than 70 per cent of the…
A large-scale industrial and academic collaboration project between Ringkøbing-Skjern Municipality and Aarhus University is 'a huge opportunity', says…
The Novo Nordisk Foundation has granted DKK 15 million from its interdisciplinary synergy programme to project DRAMA. With researchers from both Nat…
It is possible to produce healthier alternatives to the processed meat products, which are in high demand in Denmark as well as in the rest of Europe,…
Single-celled algae generate approximately 50% of the world's oxygen production. Despite the huge prevalence of these algae and in the world's oceans,…
An international research team has looked at life on the surfaces of glaciers. Their work may turn out to challenge our previous understanding about…
This year, Technical Sciences welcomes 1,131 new students on the engineering degree programmes and agrobiology. Due to corona, orientation days are a…
A new project, supported by Independent Research Fund Denmark, will make it possible to read data directly from compressed IoT data. The project is…
A citizen's council is to be set up with 99 randomly selected Danish citizens as part of the government's new climate legislation. Professor Jørgen E.…
Today, drones can autonomously carry out various tasks with zero or minimum involvement by human operators. However, they need to fly as slow as…
A large count of the porpoise population in the Kattegat, Bælthavet (the belt seas) and the western part of the Baltic Sea is well underway. The…
A Danish research team has invented a natural additive for livestock manure to reduce emissions of various gases from the manure, for example the…
As expected, applications to Denmark’s higher education degree programmes have increased this year – this also applies to Aarhus University, which has…
A number of synthetic dyes in foods are suspected of having unwanted side effects especially for children. For this reason, over the past ten years,…
Professor Brian Vinter will be the new vice-dean for research from 1. August. He comes from a position at the Niels Bohr Institute at the University…
One of Denmark’s most northern research stations is in danger. The permafrost in the surrounding landscape is thawing, leaving the cliffs bare and at…
The Department of Food Science at Aarhus University strengthens its strategic focus on research on innovative, sustainable packaging solutions with…
Danish upper-secondary school students can now try their hand at scientific research and perhaps even help in a discovery that could have a major…
Muscle, kidney and liver samples have been taken for analysis from Greenlandic sled dogs. Researchers have compared the DNA from the dogs with DNA…
Climate change leads to longer growing seasons in the Arctic. A new study, which has just been published in Proceedings of the Royal Society B, show…
More students are to have the opportunity to study a technical-scientific degree programme at Aarhus University, and after the summer holidays, 231…
How does organic plant production differ from conventional in relation to nitrous oxide emissions and nitrogen leaching? Researchers from Aarhus…
A new Danish-led research project will allow swarms of advanced, autonomous drones to keep a watchful eye on bridges and railways and report if…
The Food eHub at the Department of Food Science, Aarhus University, has helped a local start-up company to secure funding from Future Food &…
Aarhus University focuses on developing sustainable packaging solutions for food. In a new research project, the MAPP Centre will be involved in…
New study uses museum collections and citizen-science observations to document how climate change affects the phenology of Danish hoverflies.
We need to consume less sugar, but how can the industry create sugar-reduced food products without compromising on the sweet taste? Researchers from…
Researchers from Aarhus University and the Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology have quantified and described the environmental consequences…
Department of Environmental Science is now one soil biologist richer. Flemming Ekelund, an associate professor at the Department of Biology at the…
The dean of the Faculty of Technical Sciences is proposing a new organisation, with four new departments, to consolidate and strengthen the…
Cecilie Hermansen from the Department of Agroecology has been awarded Aarhus University Research Foundation's PhD Award 2020. The prize will be…
Independent Research Fund Denmark grants DKK 23.8 million to six research projects at Technical Sciences
From 1 June, the appointment of Professor Peter Langen will reinforce climate research at the Department of Environmental Science and iClimate. Peter…
Tired of that little swirl in your hair you can never get straight? You might as well get used to it, for nature has a very good reason for putting it…
Sustainability is much more complex than you might think, and therefore teaching the topic is very important, says an AU researcher from the…
With membership of the European Association for Storage of Energy (EASE), Aarhus University will play an important role in European efforts to promote…
Doctors and engineers have together developed an electric stocking to prevent loss of muscle mass in bed-ridden patients. During the coming months,…
The world has been hit hard by coronavirus, and health services and authorities everywhere are struggling to reduce the spread, combat the disease and…
Working and studying has been different in just as many ways as there are employees and students, and together, each in their own way, they are…
The EU Research and Innovation Programme, Horizon 2020, has granted more than DKK 70 million (EUR 9.4 million) to a new research project to make it…
With more than a quarter of a billion DKK, and in close collaboration with more than 50 industrial partners, Danish researchers and experts are now…
A new research project at Aarhus University will exploit millions of years of evolution to develop sustainable biofuels. Among other things, the…
Twenty-four European research organisations from 16 European countries have joined forces in a new research alliance to forge the foundation for…
Aarhus University and several international pharmaceutical companies are joining forces in the Open Discovery Innovation Network (ODIN), a…
Lars Ditlev Mørck Ottosen will take over as Acting Head of Department as of 1 May 2020 when Thomas Toftegaard stops
Drone pilots may become superfluous in the future. New research from Aarhus University has allowed artificial intelligence to take over control of…
A new research project at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University, will develop highly efficient, but inexpensive, components in flow…
A new discovery has turned our entire perception of the function and evolution of the human foot upside-down. The discovery has recently been…
According to the Ministry of Environment and Food, Denmark should reduce the nitrogen load on coastal areas by 13,000 tonnes per year. Targeted…
An international research team has been able to describe the overall structure of the antibody type IgE, which is the key molecule in allergic…
From 1 March 2020, Jørgen E. Olesen will officially take over as department head at the Department of Agroecology. He has been the acting head of…
The Faculties of Natural Sciences and Technical Sciences account for no fewer than 16 of the 23 Marie Skłodowska-Curie Individual Fellowships reaped…
The interdisciplinary Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics (QGG) is to be expanded, and in future it will have the status of a…
By making specially designed slits in Plexiglas, Danish researchers have made it stronger, lighter and more flexible. The new knowledge could be used…
Over the past year, Professor Lars Henrik Andersen has been acting dean at Science and Technology, not only as the head of the largest faculty at AU,…
Eskild Holm Nielsen took up his position as the dean of the new Faculty of Technical Sciences at the turn of the year, and he is already hard at work…
The case of the beef report has challenged Aarhus University's credibility. Therefore, the university's independence must always be based on…
Researchers at the Department of Engineering are world leaders in brain measurement via a special device fitted in the ear like a hearing aid. The…
A new research project at the Department of Engineering, Aarhus University aims to recycle plastic waste into a standardised filament product for the…
1 January 2020 marks the start of two new faculties at Aarhus University. From this date, Aarhus University will consist of five faculties in total,…
Replacing meat with vegetables on our plates entails more than just changing habits. The transition also requires new knowledge about sustainable…
A group of Danish universities and companies are working together to set up a joint high-tech laboratory centre, FOODHAY, which aims to develop…
A total of 134 outstanding researchers have received grants from the Carlsberg Foundation, of whom 12 are from Science and Technology. The grants are…
This week, the Independent Research Fund Denmark awarded a total of DKK 208 million to 35 excellent Sapere Aude research leaders. And six of these…
A review of reports from the DCA over the past five years shows among other things that the role and contribution of external parties in collaboration…
Researchers from Europe and China are gathering in Aarhus this week to kick-off a major joint research project focusing on sustainable urban…
Purple algae are making the western Greenland Ice Sheet melt faster, as the algae darken the ice surface and make it absorb more sunlight. With an ERC…
There is a huge number of different plastic types. This means it is no easy matter to get the rate of plastics recycling to rise. At the Department of…
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