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The VILLUM FOUNDATION has granted approx. DKK 16 million to eight research projects at Aarhus University. The eight researchers behind the projects…
The DCA - the Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture and the authors of a report on the climate impact of beef have decided to recall the report, as…
114 young people have chosen Aarhus University's three new degree programmes as their first priority.
Independent Research Fund Denmark has granted a total of DKK 133.4 mill. to 39 research projects at ST, almost half of which are within technology and…
The admission requirements will be introduced from summer 2019. This means that young people dreaming of a career within these fields, but who are…
Lars Henrik Andersen, professor and former department head, will become acting dean of the Faculty of Science and Technology when Niels Christian…
Research and education at Science and Technology point directly towards the themes in the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This enables the…
For the first time ever, an international research team has shown that fish otoliths record information on fish metabolism. Analyses of old and new…
Over the next three years, a project run from Denmark will investigate how to create value based on a foul-smelling nuisance on beaches: rotting…
There is not much knowledge about the effects of environmental and social impacts on health, quality of life and causes of death. A newly established…
More than forty years after the first initiatives were taken to ban the use of PCBs, the chemical pollutants remain a deadly threat to animals at the…
Toke Thomas Høye, a senior researcher at the Department of Bioscience, becomes the first recipient of a new award from the Independent Research Fund…
The Villum Foundation is supporting bold technical and scientific research ideas for the second time. Researchers from Aarhus University are again on…
A large group of international researchers have just published a scientific article in which they encourage environmental authorities across the globe…
Science and Technology at Aarhus University and Viborg municipality have signed a cooperation agreement with the Chinese region, Wuhan East Lake…
The entrepreneurship education game, ESHIP: Navigating Uncertainty, has received a silver medal at the International Serious Play Awards for its…
Bacteria play a major role in cleaning up oil spills and mitigating its environmental impacts. In a review published in ‘Science of the Total…
More and more geese remain in Denmark for the winter. They forage in the growing number of maize fields all over the country. Researchers warn that,…
Combined nutrients and warming massively increase methane emissions from lakes.
Two researchers from Science and Technology have each received DKK 60 million from the Novo Nordisk Foundation Challenge Programme to establish two…
Researchers from Aarhus University have measured a new world record: Small ice algae on the underside of the Arctic sea ice live and grow at a light…
Scientists at iNANO, Aarhus University, are collaborating with Carlsberg, Microsoft and DTU on a research study with the purpose of measuring and…
Better magnets can help store renewable energy from solar cells and wind turbines in magnetic flywheels. The new technology for energy storage could…
Two companies in North Jutland – 2operate and GomSpace – will work together with Aarhus University to create a new monitoring platform for…
How can small companies each individually use the world’s most powerful neutron and X-ray microscopes for product development? Researchers at Aarhus…
The new GEOCON research project will help save our precious water resources from pollution by developing methods to assess the risk of spreading…
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