DKK 6 million to challenge the norm
There may well be important research breakthroughs in what we previously thought of as a dead end. The Villum Experiment programme has encouraged technical and natural science research projects that challenge norms and could potentially change the way we approach important topics. Funding has just been awarded, and three researchers at the Faculty of Technical Sciences (Tech), will receive a total of almost DKK 6 million.

Research environments abound with ingenuity and quirky ideas.. The Experiment Programme is the veritable wonderland of curiosity-driven research, writes the VILLUM FOUNDATION about this year's grants for new approaches and wild ideas.
The focal point of the Villum Experiment is to give researchers an opportunity to explore projects that do not fit into the traditional boxes for research funding. The foundation deviates from the usual assessment approaches in the programme, making high-risk funding available to allow researchers to test new ideas and approaches.
When applications are processed, they are anonymised for the assessment panel. Consequently, the 21 international assessors have not been able to consider applicants’ CVs and academic qualifications, but have assessed the research ideas solely on the basis of whether they challenge the norm and could potentially change the world and our knowledge about it.
The grants amount to DKK 1-2 million and will run for up to two years. The programme is advertised annually in open competition, and the application deadline is in March.
At Tech, three researchers have each received approx. DKK 1.9 million.
Assistant Professor Julian Rodriguez Algaba from Department of Agroecology has received DKK 1.99 million for the project "Challenging the dogma of host specialisation in rust fungi by exploiting their sexual phase".
Associate Professor Michal Budzik from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering has received DKK 1.91 million for the project "Rupture of architected materials".
Assistant Professor Matteo Pezzulla – also from the Department of Mechanical and Production Engineering – has received DKK 1.97 million for the project "Smart fluidic channels".
Read more about the project at the VILLUM FOUNDATION via this link.