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Former agrobiology student Niels Frederik Vestergård will recieve this year's IdaGaard Foundation's thesis award for his final thesis on the status of…
Et EU projekt med deltagelse fra Aarhus Universitet skal udvikle nyt beslutningsværktøj, som kan hjælpe svine-producenten til at nedbringe forekomsten…
I to nye økologi-projekter på AU Foulum sættes der fokus på bæredygtig slagtegriseproduktion med 100% lokalt produceret foder samt på kødkvalitet og…
Aarhus Universitet står i spidsen for nyt GUDP-projekt ’KlimaKS’, som skal bidrage med nye værktøjer, der skal lette landmanden i bestræbelserne på at…
Aarhus University would like to congratulate all the newly graduated MSc and BSc in engineering students.
A previously abandoned patent from Aarhus University got new life in the hands of two visionary food enthusiasts, and together they started a company…
It has taken up to 30 years to gather data, but now there’s enough. An international research team, with Danish participation, has just published a…
Students and employees at Aarhus University will have the opportunity to invest in solar cells fitted on the rooftops of the university’s buildings.…
New biosensor technology shows the potential of becoming a rapid, non-invasive and cost efficient tool for evaluating freshness of several types of…
Scientific report on the Danish Redlist provides an overview of the most important habitats for red-listed species in Denmark.
A new research project will use renewable energy from local, privately owned wind turbines to improve the efficiency of Danish biogas production at…
Perennial biomass crops have a moderate emission of nitrous oxide compared to annual crops despite a high supply of nitrogen. At this year's virtual…
How does the conversion of grass to e.g. corn emissions of nitrous oxide? That and much more, you have the opportunity to hear the answer to this…
Drones and artificial intelligence are used in the Innovation Fund project ReDoCO2 to develop a decision-making tool for determining which peatland…
Through research and education, the Faculty of Technical Sciences will continue to create fertile ground for an even greener and even more digital…
With Carbon Farming's various cultivation initiatives, you can remove CO2 from the atmosphere and achieve carbon storage in plants and soil. At this…
New cereals with a health-promoting effect may in the future help to prevent obesity and diabetes. At this year's virtual Plantekongres, you have the…
Plant residues are one of the sources of nitrous oxide in agriculture, in fact they account for approx. 10% of the total emission of nitrous oxide…
With Carbon Farming, the goal is to remove CO2 from the atmosphere through targeted cultivation measures and achieve carbon storage in plants and…
Biochar increases carbon storage in the soil and can also affect the soil's fertility and greenhouse gas emissions. At this year's virtual…
For the first time, we can now tell the difference between a wide range of plastic types and thereby separate plastics according to their chemical…
Researchers from the Department of Agroecology have received a grant of almost DKK 3 million from the Independent Research Fund Denmark for a new…
It is becoming increasingly urgent to find crops that are resilient to climate changes. The phrase climate changes reflect many stress factors, and…