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A 2,000-Year Record of Eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) Colonization Shows Substantial Gains in Blue Carbon Storage and Nutrient Retention.
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Kronvang, B., Thodsen, H., Tornbjerg, H., Larsen, S. E., Ovesen, N. B., Andersen, H. E. & Blicher-Mathiesen, G. (2024).
Aarhus Universitet: Hurtighjælp til lidende fjorde kræver mere end Grøn Trepart.
Zaalberg, R. M., Nielsen, H. M., Noer, N. K., Schou, T. M.
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A bio-economic model for estimating economic values of important production traits in the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens).
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Zaalberg, R. M., Nielsen, H. M., Noer, N. K., Schou, T. M.
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A bio-economic model for estimating economic values of important production traits in the black soldier fly (Hermetia illucens). I
Book of Abstracts of the 75th Annual Meeting of the European Federation of Animal Science (s. 633-633). EAAP.
Chagnon-Lafortune, A., Duchesne, É., Legagneux, P., McKinnon, L., Reneerkens, J., Casajus, N., Abraham, K. F., Bolduc, É., Brown, G. S., Brown, S. C., Gates, H. R., Gilg, O., Giroux, M.-A., Gurney, K., Kendall, S., Kwon, E., Lanctot, R. B., Lank, D. B., Lecomte, N. ... Bêty, J. (2024).
A circumpolar study unveils a positive non-linear effect of temperature on arctic arthropod availability that may reduce the risk of warming-induced trophic mismatch for breeding shorebirds.
Global change biology,
30(6), Artikel e17356.
Doyeni, M. O., Kadziene, G., Pranaitiene, S., Slepetiene, A., Skersiene, A., Shamshitov, A., Trinchera, A., Warren Raffa, D., Testani, E., Fontaine, S., Rodriguez-Hernandez, A.
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A Comparative Study of Agroecological Intensification Across Diverse European Agricultural Systems to Assess Soil Structure and Carbon Dynamics.
14(12), Artikel 3024.
Hansen, K., Koesling, M., Steinshamn, H., Hansen, B. G.
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A Comparison of Greenhouse Gas Emissions, Nitrogen Intensity, Gross Margin, and Land Use Occupation between Comparable Conventional and Organic Managed Dairy Farms.
Agricultural and Food Science,
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Borchers, M., Förster, J., Thrän, D., Beck, S., Thoni, T., Korte, K., Gawel, E., Markus, T., Schaller, R., Rhoden, I., Chi, Y., Dahmen, N., Dittmeyer, R., Dolch, T.
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A Comprehensive Assessment of Carbon Dioxide Removal Options for Germany.
Earth's Future,
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Lozano Fondón, C., Özge Pinar, M., Sandén, T., Madenoglu, S., Barbetti, R., Buttafuoco, G., Lorenzetti, R.
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A Comprehensive Review of Proximal Electromagnetic Sensors' Accuracy and Cost Considerations for Soil Property Prediction and Mapping. Abstract fra Centennial Celebration and Congress of the International Union of Soil Sciences, Florence, Italien.
Lozano Fondón, C., Özge Pinar, M., Sandén, T., Madenoglu, S., Barbetti, R., Buttafuoco, G., Lorenzetti, R.
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& Koganti, T. (2024).
A Comprehensive Review of Proximal Electromagnetic Sensors' Accuracy and Cost Considerations for Soil Property Prediction and Mapping. I
Book of full papers: The Sixth Global Proximal Soil Sensing workshop (s. 20-26). Artikel 7
Lozano Fondón, C., Özge Pinar, M., Sandén, T., Madenoglu, S., Barbetti, R., Buttafuoco, G., Lorenzetti, R., Knadel, M., Stenberg, B., Metzger, K., Liebisch, F., Gholizadeh, A., López Núñez, R., Fantappiè, M., van Egmond, F.
& Koganti, T. (2024).
A comprehensive review of the accuracy and costs of prediction and mapping of soil properties using proximal electromagnetic sensors. Abstract fra Global symposium on soil information and data, Nanjing, Kina.
Tarazona, J. V., de Alba-Gonzalez, M., Bedos, C., Benoit, P., Bertrand, C., Crouzet, O., Dafgès, C., CM Dorne, J.-L., Fernandez-Agudo, A., Focks, A., del Carmen Gonzalez-Caballero, M., Kroll, A., Liess, M., Loureiro, S., Ortiz-Santaliestra, M. E., Rasmussen, J., Royauté, R., Rundlöf, M., Schäfer, R. ... Devos, Y. (2024).
A conceptual framework for landscape-based environmental risk assessment (ERA) of pesticides.
Environment International,
van't Veen, S. G. M., Kronvang, B., Audet, J., Larsen, S. E., Davidson, T. A., Jeppesen, E., Levi, E. E., Kristensen, E. A., Laugesen, J. R., Nielsen, A.
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A cost-efficient method for quality assurance and quality control of high-frequency sensor data in freshwater systems - SentemQC. Abstract fra 5th International High Temporal Resolution Water Quality Monitoring and Analysis Workshop, Aberdeen, Storbritannien.
Zeh, J. M., Adcock, D. L., Perez-Marrufo, V., Cusano, D. A., Robbins, J., Tackaberry, J. E.
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Acoustic behavior of humpback whale calves on the feeding ground: Comparisons across age and implications for vocal development.
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Acoustic monitoring reveals a diel rhythm of an arctic seabird colony (little auk, Alle alle).
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Jurasinski, G., Barthelmes, A., Byrne, K. A., Chojnicki, B. H., Christiansen, J. R., Decleer, K., Fritz, C., Günther, A. B., Huth, V., Joosten, H., Juszczak, R., Juutinen, S., Kasimir, Å., Klemedtsson, L., Koebsch, F., Kotowski, W., Kull, A., Lamentowicz, M., Lindgren, A. ... Couwenberg, J. (2024).
Active afforestation of drained peatlands is not a viable option under the EU Nature Restoration Law.
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A dairy-based, protein-rich breakfast enhances satiety and cognitive concentration before lunch in overweight to obese young females: A randomized controlled cross-over study.
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Løvendahl, P., Milkevych, V., Krogh Nielsen, R.
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A data-driven approach to the processing of sniffer-based gas emissions data from dairy cattle.
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Borja, Á., Elliott, M., Teixeira, H., Stelzenmüller, V., Katsanevakis, S., Coll, M., Galparsoro, I., Fraschetti, S., Papadopoulou, N., Lynam, C., Berg, T., Andersen, J. H.
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Addressing the cumulative impacts of multiple human pressures in marine systems, for the sustainable use of the seas.
Frontiers in Ocean Sustainability,
Leblanc, C., Bonnet, P., Servajean, M., Chytrý, M., Aćić, S., Argagnon, O., Bergamini, A., Biurrun, I., Bonari, G., Campos, J. A., Čarni, A., Ćušterevska, R., De Sanctis, M., Dengler, J., Garbolino, E., Golub, V., Jandt, U., Jansen, F., Lebedeva, M. ... Joly, A. (2024).
A deep-learning framework for enhancing habitat identification based on species composition.
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A Dirt(y) World in a Changing Climate: Importance of Heat Stress in the Risk Assessment of Pesticides for Soil Arthropods.
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Advanced materials - Food grade melatonin-loaded Lipid Surfactant Submicron Particles (LSSP)–environmental impacts.
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Martin-Roy, R.
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Sygeplejevidenskab.dk - Fag, Disciplin & Fagkundskab.
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Aerosol, Clouds and Trace Gases Research Infrastructure (ACTRIS): The European Research Infrastructure Supporting Atmospheric Science.
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A first scoring approach for evaluating the European Ocean Observing Community.
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A framework for evaluating the value of agricultural pest management decision support systems.
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