Aarhus University Seal

Elisabeth Chasse


Assistant Professor

Primary affiliation

Elisabeth Chasse

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I am currently tenure-track assistant professor in carbohydrate nutrition for health and disease prevention of monogastrics. Over the past 7 years, carbohydrate nutrition and dietary fibre have been my main areas of research. I also have experience with determination of transit time of feeds with canulated growing pigs.

During my master's and PhD studies, I worked extensively in the field of feed evaluation in swine production. More specifically, I focused on fibre degradation and the inclusion of exogenous enzymes in diets as well as meal size and frequency and their effects on digestibility and transit time at Laval University, Québec, Canada.

More recently, I have explored the carbohydrate composition of novel feedstuffs such as seaweeds or cactus. To do so I have expanded my analytical knowledge and adapted our laboratory methods to new feedstuffs. 

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