My research has mostly been within crossfields between animals - especially dairy cattle - and humans. I have had much focus on different actors' choices, motivations, actions and interactions, daily practices and communication around animals - especially vets and other farm-related actors. My research has often focused on organic and agroecological animal husbandry in their different social and environmental contexts, in Denmark, Europe and East Africa. During the past 5 years much focus has been on cow-calf contact systems.
I was educated in veterinary science in 1990 and defended my PhD degree in veterinary epidemiologi and clinical medicine in 1995, based on a thesis about health and disease handling in Danish organic dairy herds. I have a master degree in health anthropology after 6 years of half time study in anthropology and philosophy, and am educated human and veterinary classical homoeopath. Among others, I have also completed the course "Approaches to development" (15 ECTS) at AU, Dep. of Political Sciences, in 2009.
Most of my research has been conducted in collaboration with others.
Within the scientific world, I have been privileged to work with a wide spectrum of great colleagues - both based in natural as well as social / human sciences, and especially in Denmark, Europe and East Africa, but also elsewhere.
In addition to this I have greatly enjoyed the collaboration with farmers, practicing vets and advisors, and actors from a range of organisations and public institutions.
Thank you to all of you!