Aarhus University Seal

Eimear Theresa Mc Loughlin


Assistant Professor, PhD Social Anthropology

Primary affiliation

Eimear Theresa Mc Loughlin

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As a Tenure Track Assistant Professor in the Anthropology of Human-Animal Relations with the Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences at Aarhus University, my work incorporates multimodal methods to examine the politics of multispecies relations through emotion, gender, and care. As a multispecies anthropologist, I have experience in companion species relations, human-wildlife conflict, veterinary ethics, and the politics of meat production. Within the context of human-animal relations, my theoretical interests include everyday ethics, phenomenology, and care. My primary regional focus has been within Europe, encompassing fieldwork in Denmark, Ireland, UK, France, and Poland. My research interests benefit from a multidisciplinary background including veterinary science, philosophy, sociology, and critical theory.

My ESRC-funded doctoral research with the University of Exeter studies the politics of transparency and the production of national identity in displays of animal death in Denmark. 

Continuing ongoing collaboration with Department of Anthropology at Moesgaard, with Jens Seeberg (PI), Mette Vaarst, and Holger Brüggemann, I am investigating how a biosocial approach to antimicrobial resistance in pig farming in Denmark illuminates new modes of thinking about human-animal difference, multispecies kinship, and zoonotic disease prevention and management. 

At AU Viborg, I work with the European Reference Center for Animal Welfare-Pigs where I have conducted fieldwork across Europe trying to figure out what the concept of animal welfare looks like through the eyes of those who safeguard it. 

I have published on a wide range of topics, namely conservation politics, slaughterhouse labour, the affective ethics of care in farming and zoo management, One Welfare, One Health, agrarian futures, and the politics of grief in industrial killing in peer-reviewed journals such as American Anthropologist, Gender, Work, and OrganizationVisual Anthropology ReviewCultural Geographies, Anthropology Today, and Environment and Planning E: Nature and Space.

If you are interested in anything multispecies, don't hesitate to get in touch! 

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