Aarhus University Seal

Contact about public sector consultancy

You are always welcome to contact Technical Sciences if you want to know more about public sector consultancy.

Contact the faculty:

Vice-Dean for public sector consultancy and business collaboration

Kurt Nielsen

External TAP Dean's Office, Technical Sciences - Secretariat

Advisor for public sector consultancy

Thomas Plesner

Advisor and Quality Coordinator Dean's Office, Technical Sciences - Secretariat

Contact the national centres:

Director of DCE

Hanne Bach

Senior consultant DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy

Director of DCA

Niels Halberg

Director DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture

Contact the departments:

Department of Agroecology

Jørgen Eriksen

Professor, Head of Section Department of Agroecology - Soil Fertility

Department of Food Science

Ulla Kidmose

Associate Professor Department of Food Science - Food Quality Perception & Society

Engineering departments BCE, CAE, ECE and MPE

Henrik Bjarne Møller

Senior Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering - Environmental Engineering

Morten Dam Rasmussen

Senior Researcher Department of Biological and Chemical Engineering

Department of Ecoscience

Jesper Leth Bak

Senior Advisor Department of Ecoscience - Terrestrial Ecology

Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences

Lene Juul Pedersen

Professor, Head of Section Department of Animal and Veterinary Sciences - ANIVET Behaviour, stress and welfare (BSW)

Department of Environmental Science

Thomas Ellermann

Quality coordinator, Senior researcher Department of Environmental Science - Atmospheric Measurements

Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics

Trine Michelle Villumsen

Senior Advisor Center for Quantitative Genetics and Genomics