Aarhus University Seal

Framework & service agreements at Technical Sciences

Aarhus University has established an agreement with the Ministry of Environment of Denmark (MIM) and the Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries of Denmark (FVM) on research-based public sector consultancy.

Research-based public sector consultancy comprises both the science-based advice provided by researchers in connection with specific commissions from a ministry, and the research that forms the basis for the consultancy. In addition, the concept includes of a number of tasks and services in connection with monitoring and emergency response, etc.

Terms and conditions in the framework agreement

The agreement includes a framework agreement, which ensures that AU carries out research that can support the Ministries' administrative tasks. The agreement also ensures that AU has the knowledge and competences required to supply research support within the subject areas covered by the framework agreement.

The framework agreement with the MIM and FVM includes six service agreements that describe the research-based public sector consultancy within a number of academic areas. Annual work programmes are prepared for each service agreement, and these describe in more detail the tasks/activities that are expected to be completed in the relevant year. For each focus area, specific assignments and projects agreed for the coming year are listed.

The framework agreement can be found here (in Danish, opens new window).

The DCA - Danish Centre for Food and Agriculture coordinates work within these three service agreements (in Danish; opens pdf in new window):

The DCE - Danish Centre for Environment and Energy coordinates work within these three service agreements (in Danish; links open pdf new windows):

The agreements are adjusted annually with new tasks and projects. In addition, urgent tasks for the researchers can and will arise.

See the overall Framework agreement between the Ministry of Environment and Food and Aarhus University 2024-27 (opens pdf in new window).