Aarhus Universitets segl

Jamie Alison


Tenure Track Forsker, Dr

Primær tilknytning

Jamie Alison




My research is centred on the impacts of land use on wildlife, and especially insects. 

To better understand trends in insect biodiversity, I design and deploy "insect surveillance cameras" to monitor minifauna in the wild at extreme spatial and temporal resolutions.

I have expertise in computer vision and AI-assisted extraction of data from wildlife imagery and vessel-borne radar, as well as open-source Geographic Information Systems.


I am always on the lookout for collaborators, especially students (ERASMUS, BSc, MSc, PhD or volunteers), to co-develop projects using sensors to understand the little things that run the world. Please do not hesitate to contact me by email.

I am currently co-organising an Aarhus Comprehensive Computational Entomology Summer School (ACCESS-2024) with Dr Quentin Geissmann.

You can read more about the summer school and apply here: https://darsa.info/ACCESS-2024/

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